Thursday, 25 July 2013

"A woman who cuts her hair is about to change her life".

Who are you?

I'm Rachel. I have brown eyes that sometimes look green. I like feeling my toes crunch over the sand. I like broccoli and I hate anchovies. 

Oh... and I dyed my hair.

In the words of Coco Chanel "A woman who cuts her hair is about to change her life".

Is hair not the most wonderful thing? Changing your hair is the quickest way to feel like you've shredded your old skin and into a new. A new hair do will instantly put a spring in anyones step and I mean anyone, man or women. 

I went to the grocery store and I bought a box blonde kit (yes box, $10.99). I sat in front of the mirror and contemplated what I was about to do. What if I hate it? What if my hair falls out? What if I look like Pippi long stockings? Oh well. And I began painting bleach onto my hair.

Lucky for me, I love it.

Mission 'spring in that step', complete.

With the new hair has come some new experiences, new friends. Making new friends as an adult is... weird? It's like trying your bosses homemade stew, you know as soon as that food hits your tastebuds you will either be scooping back for seconds or holding back the violent urge to vomit. But whether you hate it or love it, you have to politely smile and reply "oh yum, that's really delicious". This is how it is making friends, within a few sentences you've got an idea as to whether you'll be life long friends rocking in your chairs sipping tea in your eighties or the person you're dodging cars to cross the street and avoid the awkward "oh hiii, how are yooou?" (we all have that person, don't pretend). 

I have now been in America for 3 months. I've been so lucky in that I have already made some really wonderful friendships. I have also met some people that I think "uhhh really? How can you think that way?" and I obviously don't chose to spend my time with these people. But the question has now been floating in my head, what makes it work? What makes some friendships blossom and others sink? What makes some lucky enough to have a florist of friends and others only a vase full? And I think perhaps the answer is... YOU. 

In life you are ultimately the one who decides who you are and how you will be that way. Your choices lead you on a particular path which will take you in direction of A, B, C or D. I think that when you end up on these paths you then meet others who are travelling in the same direction, you'll pass each other and more often than not you'll end up latching on and together you'll continue along the path.

And this is precisely what has happened to me. 

I met some people on my path and we decided to latch on.

Several weeks ago I ran through the rain with black laced boots, a long black skirt and a black hooded jacket. I was hit in the head with an umbrella, side swiped with someones cigarette and beyond frustrated with New Yorks weather as it had decided to rain in 30 degree heat which caused my hair and face to get totally confused. Eventually I made it to the restaurant, pushed open the door and was swiftly seated. Tonight I had a 'date' with a 'new friend'. 

I was having dinner with a girl from the Gold Coast (an Aussie! Whoop!). She had just moved to New York and would be living and working here for the next 12 months and we had connected over a Facebook group "Australians in New York". Both being young women in NY trying to navigate our way around this place we thought we would catch up to exchange notes. While I was waiting for her I ordered a Soho cocktail.

I had no idea how this was going to go. Would we have anything to talk about? What if she's mean? What if she doesn't talk? Hmmm.

Well in walked N. Big smile on her face and sits down. The waiter asks her what she'd like to drink, she studies the menu for a minute and then says "I'll have a Soho cocktail thanks", that's exactly what I got!! Yep, I think we're going to be great friends!! 

Well, 3 cocktails and 3 hours later... a new friendship was made. We sat in this restaurant and talked and talked and talked. When we realised it was almost closing time we decided to ask the waiter of any bars close by he knew of? Of course a quiet dinner then turns into cocktails upon cocktails and another bar.

We walked a few blocks up and came across Bartini. This was a male gay bar, howeverrrr this was perfect because we knew we wouldn't have any issues from men and we could be 'left alone' to just dance by ourselves and have fun. Well turns out some single guys have clued onto the fact that girls occasionally do this. One guy decided to come and talk to us while we danced next to a speaker and clearly couldn't hear anything. When he decided to turn his back on me and dance with N we both knew this would just not do. I tapped him on the shoulder "excuse me, she has a boyfriend!" (which was a lie but a white lie). That got rid of him.

We danced and discovered $2 vodka jelly shots. 

We didn't have them all.

In the early hours of the night, after dancing and laughing and numerous jelly shots we parted ways. 

The next morning I remember saying to a friend "we are like the same person! Seriously, the same person!". But then I thought, "now what? oh wait wait wait... what if she didn't like me?" huh. 
All of sudden I was in unfamiliar waters, it almost felt like dating, but obviously not. Then I got a text and it was N. Phew! Neither of us had plans for Saturday night but our heads were still sore from the night before so I suggested a movie, Despicable me 2? I'm waiting for a reply thinking, maybe she hates Despicable me? My phone beeps and to my surprise she loves the idea! 

Seeeee we are like the SAME! Haha.


A week passed and the weekend rolled around again. N and I had decided to get a cocktail Saturday night and catch up on the week. Well 1 cocktail at 'Rare View Rooftop Bar'  turned into 2, which then turned into another venue (230 on fifth), followed by several other cocktails. 

Rare View Bar Rooftop. July, 2013.
Rare View Bar Rooftop. July, 2013.
Rare View Bar Rooftop. July, 2013.
230 on fifth.

As we sat sipping our cocktails we looked around at the huge sky scrapers surrounding us. Wow. What a place. Our Australian accents occasionally catch the attention of others (Australians really are loved in America). As we are ordering a drink I tell her "Oh I have some funny stories to tell you!" and she replied "I have some funny stories for you too!!". After a few cocktails we move onto talking about 'meeting' each other. Perhaps alcohol induced but we both agree how normal it feels to hang out and also agree that this new friend thing is hard work! But lucky for us, it's just worked. 

230 on fifth.
230 on fifth.
230 on fifth.
230 on fifth.

So what makes a new friendship work?

I have made some life long friends here in America. I already know this.
 I know that with T & B (my Charlie's Angels) and A, M and N I will undoubtedly be friends with these people for a very long time. I will have to buy a house with a very big front porch to fit all these rocking chairs.

Friends make your hair bounce, your smile brighter, your tummy flatter, your coffee stronger, your heels higher and your eyes twinkle. 

I have friends like sisters and brothers in Australia and I've written about them on here before. They are my everything. But the lesson to learn is, your heart doesn't have a size restriction. Your heart can just grow and grow and grow. And this is the difference between people with a vase full of friends and people with a florist full of friends. You can keep finding these amazing and wonderful people who pass you on your path and you can have them in your life.

Each friend is different, just like flowers. Some flowers grow in Australia, some grow in America, England, Scotland, South America, Brazil and Mexico. And they are all wonderful and when you pass them on your path, stop and take the time because you'll be amazed.

Because friends are what make the ride worth taking.


"i carry your heart with me(i carry it in
my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go,my dear;and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling.

Here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart
i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart"
E.E Cummings.